Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Hire a Patio Contractor

If you have found your way to our website, then there is a good chance you’re interested in hiring backyard patio contractors and transforming your outdoor space. When next year comes, will you have taken action on your dream?

One of the things we hear very frequently from homeowners is that they wish they had decided to call us years ago. But, even though they had the desire, they waited because they were busy, because the time didn’t feel right, or because they had other things on their minds. Weeks and months went by before they finally took that crucial first step.

If you are in the same boat – or are thinking about putting off the decision to hire a patio contractor – then we want to give you a few reasons to push ahead today. It doesn’t matter whether you’re thinking of working with us or a different team; you shouldn’t let this chance slip away.

Here are a few of the biggest reasons you shouldn’t wait to hire a patio contractor…


The Best Patio Contractors Have Waiting Lists

Unfortunately, choosing a great patio contractor doesn’t mean that your work can begin immediately. That’s because the best of us have gotten popular through word-of-mouth advertising. Often, it can take us several months to get through our waiting lists before we can start on a new project (at which point there are others who are now at the back of the line).

This can be particularly true during the busier parts of the year. That means waiting to go through the design consultation can put you back entire seasons.

Of course, you could speed things up by going with a less reputable contractor or landscaping company. However, then you might risk spending a lot of money on work that you won’t be happy with later. It’s frustrating to wait, but even more frustrating to be disappointed. That’s why your best move is to take action once you are sure you want to choose a contractor and at least get the design process started.


Your Project Will Likely Require Some Lead Time 

The bigger your landscaping and outdoor design project will be, the more likely it is that certain items will need to be ordered from specialty manufacturers. For example, we often have to order things like pools, hot tubs, and appliances that will be installed as part of our work. Some of these can take weeks to arrive… or longer if they need to be customized for your property.

Sometimes, these lead times can be incorporated into the weeks you spend waiting for your contracting team to be available. Or, the items might be sourced while we are completing the design site preparation process. Time is always a consideration, though, which is why you’re better off planning, budgeting, and ordering as early as you can.

The more calendar space you have to work with, the easier it will be to get exactly what you want at the right price. You should always avoid making rushed decisions on appliances or other major items while trying to squeeze a project in at the last minute.


You Might Need Permits or Town Approvals

I hate to give you even more bad news, but even if your patio contracting team could start working on your backyard today, it’s likely that they wouldn’t be digging holes or planting trees anytime soon. In most areas there will be permits and approvals that have to be applied for, presented, and approved before you can break ground.

Naturally, these procedures will vary from one county or municipality to the next. That’s one reason you not only want to have plenty of lead time, but also to work with a patio contractor who is well known in the area where you have property. Otherwise you could get caught up in red tape that drags on for months or even years.

No one likes dealing with paperwork, but things will go much more smoothly if you follow the permit process in your municipality and get things squared away before work begins. Get this part wrong and you could find that construction will come to a halt at a crucial point. Then you could be stuck with a half-finished patio and an uncertain schedule for completion.


The Sooner You Start, the Sooner You Can Enjoy

This is the most abstract reason to work on hiring a patio contractor immediately, but it’s also the most important. Ultimately, you’ll see a company like ours because you want to have a better outdoor space to enjoy with your friends and loved ones. The sooner the design and quoting process begins, the sooner you’ll get to enjoy the result.

Time’s the most precious commodity any of us ever have to spend, and the days and nights that we get to relax with the people close to us are the ones we cherish the most. The long afternoons in the pool, the drinks by an outdoor fire pit, or the quiet moments soaking in a hot tub are what we all work for. How can we make the most of our homes without them?

If you dream of having an outdoor space that lets you take luxury vacations at home, then don’t wait to get it. Choose a patio contractor to work with and start turning your ideas into drawings that can be brought to life.


Need Help Bringing Your Outdoor Dream to Life?

At Stefanos, we are incredibly proud of our portfolio and testimonials. But when you get past those marketing pieces, what you really find is the satisfaction we get from a job well done. It’s truly an amazing feeling to help a homeowner bring their vision of a new patio – complete with a fire pit, pool, or other features – to life from a drawing.

If you are looking to hire a proven patio contractor in the Saugus, Massachusetts, area then we want to hear from you. Contact us today to set up a free consultation and learn more about our work.

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