Aerating and Seeding in the Fall

Can you aerate and Seed your lawn in the Fall? Yes, and frankly, you should. When the days cool down and the summer heat slowly fades your lawn starts to thrive. This is the perfect window to seed and aerate before the cold days of winter hit. It insures that your lawn is prepared for winter and will shine once Spring hits. Proper Fall aerating and seeding are the cornerstones to Massachusetts landscape design success.


Core Aeration


Core aeration is when a machine runs over your lawn and tines poke holes and pull out small cores of soil. The holes are usually about two to three inches deep and are the thickness of an index finger. The purpose of core aeration is to allow better air and water penetration to the roots of the grass. The holes also create an environment that promotes more efficient uptake of fertilizer while providing good soil contact for new seed.




Fall is one of the best times to seed in New England. Grass is actively growing during this time of year. The grass is no longer stressed from the heat of Summer. Fall usually brings more moisture in the form of rain which helps establish the new seeds. In addition, there is usually more heavy morning dew which helps with optimal germination rates. Seeding at this time gives the grass the remainder of the Fall season and following Spring to establish before it goes dormant and into survival mode in the heat of Summer.




Fall is the best time to fertilize for cool season grasses. During this period the grass is again actively growing after being dormant from Summer heat. It’s looking to store up nutrients for the winter months. Fertilizing in the Fall helps restore damage caused in the Summer months and helps with faster Spring growth.


Putting it All Together


There are no “easy” solution or “quick fixes” when it comes to landscaping in Massachusetts and having a great looking New England Lawn. Timing is key. The right applications at the right time is important. Planning ahead and recognizing the challenges the environment you’re growing in is important. Mowing, trimming, fertilizing, aeration, weed control, and irrigation all must be considered and done correctly to achieve a great looking lawn.


When considering a Massachusetts landscape design company go with one that has an extensive portfolio, knock out testimonials, and over 15 years of reputable service. Call the North Shore’s Landscape Planting experts today. 978-352-8834.